Campamentos tecnológicos para Navidad 2016


La revista EDUCACION 3.0 es un medio de comunicación global cuyo propósito es contribuir al cambio metodológico en las aulas a través de las TIC y de las metodologías activas. Se dirige a todas aquellas personas que conforman el sector educativo y participan en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, incluidas las familias. En este mes, la...

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How does your body know what time it is? – Marco A. Sotomayor


Being able to sense time helps us do everything from waking and sleeping to knowing precisely when to catch a ball that’s hurtling towards us. And we owe all these abilities to an interconnected system of timekeepers in our brains. But how do they work? Marco A. Sotomayor details how...

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My storybook


My storybook is an online publisher of e-books. It can be very useful for elementary school students, and also for preschool students, to develop their own e-books. My Storybook allows students to engage in literacy in a creative and fun way and provides educators with the ability to tie multiple subjects together through...

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Kahoot! It is a tool to create multiple response quickly and easily for both teachers and students. This tool is designed to develop activities in class playing from mobile devices each participant. Kahoot! also offers the posibility to add diagrams, images and videos to expand knowledge. More information

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Awesome Oceans


Awesome Oceans is a video made by Edeos, an agency that specializes in the design and production of audiovisual educational materials. This illustrated explainer video shows the fascination of the ocean, but also it biggest threats. More information about Edeos

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TES is dedicated to supporting the world’s teachers. Their mission is to enable great teaching by helping educators to find the tools and technology they need to excel and by supporting them throughout their career and professional development. Through a free platform, educators can create content mixing the use of digital...

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El mar a fondo


El mar a fondo es un proyecto creado y desarrollado en colaboración entre el CSIC-Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y la Obra Social “la Caixa” que pretende acercar la temática marina al ámbito educativo mediante diversas propuestas didácticas. A partir de una plataforma virtual se puede acceder a los contenidos educativos y participar activamente en el...

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Prepara tu Escuela para la Sociedad Digital: Claves para sumarse al cambio


Prepara tu Escuela para la Sociedad Digital: Claves para sumarse al cambio es un informe elaborado por la Fundación Telefónica en 2016 en el que se presenta el trabajo de investigación realizado con diversos centros educativos de España en torno al tema de innovación educativa en la Sociedad Digital. Fundamentalmente,...

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The use of ICT in the out-of-school activities of children and teenagers


The VIII International Congress of Psychology and Education -CIPE 2016 took place in Alicante the last 15th, 16th and 17th of June 2016, hosted by the Scientific Association of Psychology and Education –ACIPE- and the University of Alicante. The Bridging Learning Experiences research team participated with the paper “The use of...

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Gender as a key element for choosing learning activities outside the school

The VIII International Congress of Psychology and Education -CIPE 2016 took place in Alicante the last 15th, 16th and 17th of June 2016, hosted by the Scientific Association of Psychology and Education –ACIPE- and the University of Alicante. The Bridging Learning Experiences research team participated with the paper “Gender as a...

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Students’ participation in related science and technology activities

The VIII International Congress of Psychology and Education -CIPE 2016 took place in Alicante the last 15th, 16th and 17th of June 2016, hosted by the Scientific Association of Psychology and Education –ACIPE- and the University of Alicante. The Bridging Learning Experiences research team participated with the paper “Students’ participation in...

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Youth’s learning trajectories in the information society: a challenge for school


On May 30th, 1st and 2nd June 2016 took place in the city of Eskisehir, Turkey, the XVIII International Congress of AMSE-AMCE-WAER organized by the World Association of Educational Research (AMSE-AMCE-WAER ) and Anadolu University. The research team Bridging Learning Experiences participated in the congress with the presentation “Las trayectorias de aprendizaje de...

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Cities of learning


Cities of learning is a project that presents a new concept of city where the training of young people is in accordance with the requirements of the XXI century. It is organized a network of activities in different places of the city that allow users learn and develop skills and...

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The school Benaula in Caldes de Malavella won the third prize in the contest ‘Robolot’


The school  Benaula, an educational center which collaborates with our project, won the third prize of robotics within the category ‘technological projects’ in the contest ‘Robolot’. During the academic year the students were involved in an extracurricular activity associated with technological projects .In the first trimester the students programmed with...

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Edutopia is the website of a virtual community created and managed by George Lucas Educational Foundation. The aim is offer information, strategies, practices and resources in order to improve learning practices at nursery and primary education. In addition, and thanks to the community members contributions –with their knowledge, strategies and...

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Levadura. Residence program for artist-educators


  Levadura is an educational program of residencies for artists-educators was aimed to promote understanding of contemporary art by elementary students. The program focused on introducing creative projects in the elementary classroom where children were the protagonists. The program involved four artists-educators from four countries (Phase A: Chile and Poland, and...

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Blood donation and citizen education


  The Banc de Sang i Teixits de Catalunya has conducted the project “Donació de Sang i educació per a la ciutadania” that aims to involve young children and minors in the task of spreading the need to donate blood. Thus, young people learn content related to blood donation and...

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Learn.Genetics is an interactive website of the Genetic Science Learning Center, University of Utah -USA-. It offers a wide variety of activities on genetics for non-experts. The resources offered in the website can be useful for learning different concepts related to genetics, evolution, health, etc. For example, could be construct...

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El juego “ciènciaXciència” de la UdG, nombrada una de las mejores actividades de divulgación científica del 2015


Con la finalidad de crear actividades de divulgación científica y de innovación, el juego ciènciaXciència ha sido elegido para aparecer en el catálogo de prácticas innovadoras en cultura científica del 2015 que edita la Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FECYT). El juego “ciènciaXciència” ha sido ideado y desarrollado...

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Greg Gage: How to control someone else’s arm with your brain


Greg Gage is on a mission to make brain science accessible to all. In this fun, kind of creepy demo, the neuroscientist and TED Senior Fellow uses a simple, inexpensive DIY kit to take away the free will of an audience member. It’s not a parlor trick; it actually works....

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Concurso “Cuéntanos cómo ves Internet”


Con el tema “Los derechos humanos en internet”, el concurso Cuéntanos como ves Internet busca promover el buen uso de las nuevas tecnologías en los Centros Escolares y, a la vez, sensibilizar a profesores, alumnos y familias sobre la importancia de estas tecnologías en el desarrollo de los niños. El certamen está...

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VII Edición de la Jornada Programa

La Jornada Programa es una actividad organizada por el Departament d’Ensenyament de la Generalitat de Catalunya dedicada al intercambio de experiencias didácticas, tanto en la escuela Primaria como en Secundaria, donde se empleen entornos de programación y de robótica educativa. La Jornada está dirigida, especialmente, a maestros de primaria y de secundaria, pero...

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Workshop Gillian Wearing- CaixaForum Girona


What do the members of Gillian Wearing’s family have in common? What does she have inherited from her parents? In what do we resemble our relatives? Observing, deducing and experimenting, the treasure hunt game invites you to find answers to these and other issues. Date: Saturday, May 23th at 18.00h Duration:...

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New journal “Digital Experiences in Mathematics Education”


This journal chronicles research on mathematics learning, the way it is assessed and interactive settings, using digital technology, in which it can be embedded. It also offers a forum for discussing mathematical thought, and issues of equity, cultural diversity and professional development in the field of teaching and learning mathematics. More information

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Journal Digital Experiences in Mathematics Education

The aim of this journal is to continue the effort to understand and enhance changes in the nature of worthwhile mathematical work that can be performed by learning, teachers and practitioners with digital technologies. It offers a forum for discussing mathematical thought, and issues of equity, cultural diversity and professional development....

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Las tecnologías móviles en los centros educativos


En la sesión plenaria del 4 de marzo, el Consejo Escolar de Cataluña ha aprobado el Documento 1/2015: Les tecnologies mòbils als centres educatius. En este documento se recogen diversas consideraciones sobre la presencia y el uso de los dispositivos móviles en los centros educativos de Cataluña, el desarrollo de...

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Workshop “Building games”


In this activity reproduce some architectural experiments: structures growing network, interchangeable parts, expandable buildings… Date: Monday, March 30th 2015 at 11.00          Tuesday, March 31th 2015 at 11.00          Wednesday, April 1th 2015 at 11:00 Duration: 1h 30min Location: Caixa Forum. Ciutadans street, 19,...

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Workshop “The magic of periodic table of elements”

  In this workshop we will review the elements of periodic table of elements with simple but intriguing and seductive magic tricks, which will be completed on stage with spectacular and quick chemistry experiments. A unique show that, using the historical relationship between magic and science, will mix enjoyment with...

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1th STEAM Barcelona International Conference


With the slogan “Learn today to solve tomorrow” the Council of Education and Universities of Barcelona City Hall and Fundació Bancaria “la Caixa” in the framework of the Science, Technology and Innovation Festival have organized STEAMBarcelona. The conference aims to bring together some of the most successful and evaluated projects in the field...

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Talentum Schools Workshop at Mobile World Centre


School Mobile World Centre is a free program of open workshops and conferences at the Mobile World Centre in Barcelona. The school includes Talentum Schools program it offers activities for children to create their own projects, play with the robot ATTI, play with augmented reality as well as to be creators of...

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Animated Science. Episode 1. The Scientific Method


  The first episode of Animated Science project describes the scientific method and each of the phases that compose it. The main character observes the phenomenon that is going to be analysed, in this case the growth of a plant and factors affecting it. First, he makes a hypothesis. Then, together...

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Audiovisual Project “Animated Science” by University of Barcelona

The UB divulga releases the project Animated Science which aims at creating a collection of audiovisual resources to bring children closer to scientific concepts in an amusing way. The site Animated Science will collect the episodes, as well as related clips and teaching materials. The project has been developed by the Scientific Culture...

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Cycle science workshops for families. CaixaForum – Girona


  Activity 1: Workshop Planets and Stars (age +4)   This activity aims to introduce little ones into the world of astronomy and foster an interest for observing the sky (the Earth, the Moon and the planets of the Solar System).     Date: Saturday, March 7th 2015 at 18.00 h. Sunday,...

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TransAction – Research Group


TransAction, research group from University of Oslo, studies the interplay between the different social contexts of children and young people’s learning and identity construction. The aim of this group is to explore how young people construct knowledge across learning contexts in their daily life, online and offline. Attention is given to four...

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Aprèn matemàtiques amb Modulmax. Museu del Joguet -Figueres


Xerrada i taller dirigit a professors (amb alumnes de 4 a 12 anys) i a famílies interessades en el tema. Després d’una breu presentació del joc, s’impartirà el taller on grans i petits podran experimentar amb modulmax : representar els nombres enters; aprendre a sumar, restar, multiplicar i dividir; resoldre arrels quadrades; els...

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Los caminos de la ciencia son infinitos


Un proyecto organizado conjuntamente por la Unidad de Cultura Científica e Innovación (UCC+i) y la Escuela de Doctorado de la Universidad de Barcelona pone en contacto a estudiantes de doctorado con escuelas de primaria y secundaria que quieran conocer de primera mano el día a día de un investigador. Con el nombre de Caminos Infinitos, porque...

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Centro Nacional de la Ciencia y la Tecnología -CIENTEC-


La página web ha sido creada por el Centro Nacional de la Ciencia y la Tecnología (CIENTEC), declarada de interés nacional por el gobierno de Costa Rica por su contribución para el desarrollo de una cultura científica y tecnológica para la promoción de equidad. Ofrece diversos contenidos sobre ciencias y...

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Space Place – Nasa

Space Place is a website designed especially for children and is maintained by NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory), the California Institute of Technology and ITEEA (International Technology and Engineering Education Association). Through the page content the visitors can access to activities about various topics related...

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The European Space Agency (ESA) was started in 1975 and is constituted by 20 countries. ESA-kids is a portal created especially for young children in order to know the world of space travel, astronomy and earth sciences. The portal is organized by topics and resources. The topics explain aspects of...

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ExperCiencia. Experimentando Ciencia

Experciencia es un blog creado por una licenciada en ciencias físicas con la colaboración de  padres y educadores especialistas en ciencia para niños. En este blog se proponen y organizan actividades científicas que permiten desarrollar la creatividad, la imaginación, la curiosidad y el espíritu crítico de los niños, introduciéndolos en el...

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National Geographic Kids


This is a website specially created by the National Geographic Society with the purpose that children know and respect the fauna and flora of our planet. With abundant multimedia resources is a place for fun learning about animals, nature and science through interesting facts, funny videos, activities, games, photos and...

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Science Kids. Fun science & technology for kids!


Science for Kids és una pàgina que ofereix recursos educatius per a mestres i pares de família amb l’objectiu de fer la ciència divertida i atractiva per als nens, presentant els conceptes de manera que aquests els puguin entendre i gaudir. La pàgina conté molta informació sobre diferents temes i...

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Launched in 2013 in the United States,® is a non-profit dedicated to expanding participation in computer science by making it available in more schools, and increasing participation by women and underrepresented students. The project proposes that computer science and computer programming should be part of the core curriculum in...

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Scratch is a programming language and an online community where children can program and share interactive media such as stories, games, and animation with people from all over the world. When participating in the Scratch online community, members can explore and experiment in an open learning community with other Scratch...

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dedos. Tabletas digitales en el aula


dedos es el blog de difusión del proyecto “Dedos, tabletas digitales en el aula” liderado por el Centro Internacional de Tecnologías Avanzadas -CITA- de la Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez. El blog pretende ser una ventana desde la que otear el futuro de las tabletas digitales en el aula, analizar sus...

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Deveras es una revista infantil de divulgación científica editada por el Consejo Mexiquense de Ciencia y Tecnología (COMECYT). Es una publicación que desde el 2012 está  incluida en el prestigioso Índice de Revistas Mexicanas de Divulgación Científica y Tecnológica que promueve el Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología, CONACYT. La...

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Reportero Doc

Reportero Doc es una revista educativa para niños y niñas a partir de 9 años, que les ayuda a descubrir el mundo. La revista cuenta con cuatro secciones (“Maxi Doc”, “Súper Cómic”, “El animal” y “La sorpresa”) que tratan el tema central de cada número desde diferentes puntos de vista:...

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Com combatre la desafecció escolar?


Després dels 10 anys de Debats d’Educació, començarem un nou debat dedicat a la desafecció escolar. Comptarem amb la participació de Valerie Hannon, creadora de l’exitós programa internacional Learning Futures i Learning Frontiers – transformant la participació de l’alumnat i de la comunitat educativa. Un projecte dissenyat des de les...

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Science Books for Students


Reading science trade books is the perfect way for students to build literacy skills while learning science content. The books that appear in these lists were selected as outstanding children’s science trade books. They were chosen by a book review panel appointed by the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) and...

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Tiching is a school educational network that aims to be a benchmark in which the education community can find and share resources to learn and teach better. Its objective is  to make accessible to teachers, students and families all educational digital contents available on the Internet and to disseminate them...

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Ediciones iamiqué: libros científicamente divertidos


Ediciones iamiqué es una pequeña empresa argentina manejada por una física y una bióloga empecinadas en demostrar que la ciencia no muerde y puede ser disfrutada por todo el mundo. Ofrecen libros informativos en un formato muy creativo y divertido, que aprovechan el gusto y la curiosidad de los niños...

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To Space and back


Esta exposición temporal de CosmoCaixa Barcelona, muestra cómo los avances científicos y tecnológicos para la exploración espacial han generado conocimientos y recursos utilizados en beneficio de la sociedad. Muchos de los aparatos utilizados en la medicina y en la vida cotidiana en general fueron desarrollados a partir de tecnologías pensadas...

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09/06/2014 es un portal de radio y televisión educativas por internet impulsado por el Departament d’Ensenyament de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Dispone de más de 5000 materiales audiovisuales elaborados por el propio Departament, Televisió de Catalunya (TV3) y Catalunya Radio, entre otros, organizados por niveles educativos. En particular, ofrece secciones...

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Revista Electrónica de Enseñanza de las Ciencias, REEC


Revista Electrónica de Enseñanza de las Ciencias (REEC) is a four-monthly, scientific journal published through the Net, which is devoted to innovation and research on science teaching and learning in the various educational levels (Kindergarden, primary and secondary school and University). The whole process of revision, edition and publication is...

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iTEC – Designing the future classroom


ITEC: designing the future classroom has been an example of a very successful project of integration of ICT in education and training, with the support and funding from the European Commission.  iTEC’s aim is to bring about systemic change, not through radical technological advances, but through progressive adoption of innovative...

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Es un sitio dirigido a los docentes que recopila una amplio abanico de recursos TIC y prácticas educativas mediadas por las TIC, así como noticias y eventos relacionados con la enseñanza, el aprendizaje y las tecnologías digitales. Educ@conTIC pone a la disposición del profesorado las redes sociales más importantes del...

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Espacio Procomún Educativo


Este espacio es un repositorio de recursos y experiencias educativas abiertas de todos los niveles educativos no universitarios preparados para ser utilizados directamente en el aula o bien para ser modificados y adaptados a diferentes contextos o necesidades. Como elemento destacado, Procomún incorpora un potente buscador con características de la...

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Alambique. Didáctica de las ciencias experimentales


Alambique es una revista trimestral dirigida al profesorado que aspira a crear redes de intercambio de ideas, iniciativas y experiencias entre el profesorado y  favorecer la renovación del discurso pedagógico dominante, abriendo vías para su superación crítica. Se publica desde 1994 en español.

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Revista Eureka sobre Enseñanza y Divulgación de las Ciencias (REurEDC)

La revista tiene una doble finalidad: i) contribuir al desarrollo del conocimiento en el ámbito de la didáctica de las ciencias experimentales, tanto en un plano teórico como aplicado, y ii) aportar referentes para la práctica de la educación científica tanto de profesores como de formadores provenientes del ámbito de...

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