La revista EDUCACION 3.0 es un medio de comunicación global cuyo propósito es contribuir al cambio metodológico en las aulas a través de las TIC y de las metodologías activas. Se dirige a todas aquellas personas que conforman el sector educativo y participan en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, incluidas las familias. En este mes, la...
How does your body know what time it is? – Marco A. Sotomayor
Being able to sense time helps us do everything from waking and sleeping to knowing precisely when to catch a ball that’s hurtling towards us. And we owe all these abilities to an interconnected system of timekeepers in our brains. But how do they work? Marco A. Sotomayor details how...
Awesome Oceans
Awesome Oceans is a video made by Edeos, an agency that specializes in the design and production of audiovisual educational materials. This illustrated explainer video shows the fascination of the ocean, but also it biggest threats. More information about Edeos
The use of ICT in the out-of-school activities of children and teenagers
The VIII International Congress of Psychology and Education -CIPE 2016 took place in Alicante the last 15th, 16th and 17th of June 2016, hosted by the Scientific Association of Psychology and Education –ACIPE- and the University of Alicante. The Bridging Learning Experiences research team participated with the paper “The use of...
Gender as a key element for choosing learning activities outside the school
The VIII International Congress of Psychology and Education -CIPE 2016 took place in Alicante the last 15th, 16th and 17th of June 2016, hosted by the Scientific Association of Psychology and Education –ACIPE- and the University of Alicante. The Bridging Learning Experiences research team participated with the paper “Gender as a...
Students’ participation in related science and technology activities
The VIII International Congress of Psychology and Education -CIPE 2016 took place in Alicante the last 15th, 16th and 17th of June 2016, hosted by the Scientific Association of Psychology and Education –ACIPE- and the University of Alicante. The Bridging Learning Experiences research team participated with the paper “Students’ participation in...
Youth’s learning trajectories in the information society: a challenge for school
On May 30th, 1st and 2nd June 2016 took place in the city of Eskisehir, Turkey, the XVIII International Congress of AMSE-AMCE-WAER organized by the World Association of Educational Research (AMSE-AMCE-WAER ) and Anadolu University. The research team Bridging Learning Experiences participated in the congress with the presentation “Las trayectorias de aprendizaje de...
The school Benaula in Caldes de Malavella won the third prize in the contest ‘Robolot’
The school Benaula, an educational center which collaborates with our project, won the third prize of robotics within the category ‘technological projects’ in the contest ‘Robolot’. During the academic year the students were involved in an extracurricular activity associated with technological projects .In the first trimester the students programmed with...
Levadura. Residence program for artist-educators
Levadura is an educational program of residencies for artists-educators was aimed to promote understanding of contemporary art by elementary students. The program focused on introducing creative projects in the elementary classroom where children were the protagonists. The program involved four artists-educators from four countries (Phase A: Chile and Poland, and...
Blood donation and citizen education
The Banc de Sang i Teixits de Catalunya has conducted the project “Donació de Sang i educació per a la ciutadania” that aims to involve young children and minors in the task of spreading the need to donate blood. Thus, young people learn content related to blood donation and...
El juego “ciènciaXciència” de la UdG, nombrada una de las mejores actividades de divulgación científica del 2015
Con la finalidad de crear actividades de divulgación científica y de innovación, el juego ciènciaXciència ha sido elegido para aparecer en el catálogo de prácticas innovadoras en cultura científica del 2015 que edita la Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FECYT). El juego “ciènciaXciència” ha sido ideado y desarrollado...
Greg Gage: How to control someone else’s arm with your brain
Greg Gage is on a mission to make brain science accessible to all. In this fun, kind of creepy demo, the neuroscientist and TED Senior Fellow uses a simple, inexpensive DIY kit to take away the free will of an audience member. It’s not a parlor trick; it actually works....
Concurso “Cuéntanos cómo ves Internet”
Con el tema “Los derechos humanos en internet”, el concurso Cuéntanos como ves Internet busca promover el buen uso de las nuevas tecnologías en los Centros Escolares y, a la vez, sensibilizar a profesores, alumnos y familias sobre la importancia de estas tecnologías en el desarrollo de los niños. El certamen está...
VII Edición de la Jornada Programa
La Jornada Programa es una actividad organizada por el Departament d’Ensenyament de la Generalitat de Catalunya dedicada al intercambio de experiencias didácticas, tanto en la escuela Primaria como en Secundaria, donde se empleen entornos de programación y de robótica educativa. La Jornada está dirigida, especialmente, a maestros de primaria y de secundaria, pero...
Workshop Gillian Wearing- CaixaForum Girona
What do the members of Gillian Wearing’s family have in common? What does she have inherited from her parents? In what do we resemble our relatives? Observing, deducing and experimenting, the treasure hunt game invites you to find answers to these and other issues. Date: Saturday, May 23th at 18.00h Duration:...
New journal “Digital Experiences in Mathematics Education”
This journal chronicles research on mathematics learning, the way it is assessed and interactive settings, using digital technology, in which it can be embedded. It also offers a forum for discussing mathematical thought, and issues of equity, cultural diversity and professional development in the field of teaching and learning mathematics. More information
Workshop “Building games”
In this activity reproduce some architectural experiments: structures growing network, interchangeable parts, expandable buildings… Date: Monday, March 30th 2015 at 11.00 Tuesday, March 31th 2015 at 11.00 Wednesday, April 1th 2015 at 11:00 Duration: 1h 30min Location: Caixa Forum. Ciutadans street, 19,...
Workshop “The magic of periodic table of elements”
In this workshop we will review the elements of periodic table of elements with simple but intriguing and seductive magic tricks, which will be completed on stage with spectacular and quick chemistry experiments. A unique show that, using the historical relationship between magic and science, will mix enjoyment with...
1th STEAM Barcelona International Conference
With the slogan “Learn today to solve tomorrow” the Council of Education and Universities of Barcelona City Hall and Fundació Bancaria “la Caixa” in the framework of the Science, Technology and Innovation Festival have organized STEAMBarcelona. The conference aims to bring together some of the most successful and evaluated projects in the field...
Talentum Schools Workshop at Mobile World Centre
School Mobile World Centre is a free program of open workshops and conferences at the Mobile World Centre in Barcelona. The school includes Talentum Schools program it offers activities for children to create their own projects, play with the robot ATTI, play with augmented reality as well as to be creators of...
Animated Science. Episode 1. The Scientific Method
The first episode of Animated Science project describes the scientific method and each of the phases that compose it. The main character observes the phenomenon that is going to be analysed, in this case the growth of a plant and factors affecting it. First, he makes a hypothesis. Then, together...
Audiovisual Project “Animated Science” by University of Barcelona
The UB divulga releases the project Animated Science which aims at creating a collection of audiovisual resources to bring children closer to scientific concepts in an amusing way. The site Animated Science will collect the episodes, as well as related clips and teaching materials. The project has been developed by the Scientific Culture...
Cycle science workshops for families. CaixaForum – Girona
Activity 1: Workshop Planets and Stars (age +4) This activity aims to introduce little ones into the world of astronomy and foster an interest for observing the sky (the Earth, the Moon and the planets of the Solar System). Date: Saturday, March 7th 2015 at 18.00 h. Sunday,...
6 Museus x Nadal 2014 – Girona
Vine al Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya-Girona, Museu del Cinema, Museu d’Art, Museu d’Història de Girona, Casa Masó i Museu d’Història dels Jueus i participa de les activitats que t’hem preparat per al Nadal. Dies: 24, 27, 29 i 30 de desembre, 2 i 3 de gener Horari: de 10:30 a...
Aprèn matemàtiques amb Modulmax. Museu del Joguet -Figueres
Xerrada i taller dirigit a professors (amb alumnes de 4 a 12 anys) i a famílies interessades en el tema. Després d’una breu presentació del joc, s’impartirà el taller on grans i petits podran experimentar amb modulmax : representar els nombres enters; aprendre a sumar, restar, multiplicar i dividir; resoldre arrels quadrades; els...
Los caminos de la ciencia son infinitos
Un proyecto organizado conjuntamente por la Unidad de Cultura Científica e Innovación (UCC+i) y la Escuela de Doctorado de la Universidad de Barcelona pone en contacto a estudiantes de doctorado con escuelas de primaria y secundaria que quieran conocer de primera mano el día a día de un investigador. Con el nombre de Caminos Infinitos, porque...
Qué aprendemos de nuevo del mar. Edición 2015
Una parte importante de nuestro país vive de cara al mar y parte de su economía depende de él, sea por el turismo, la pesca o las comunicaciones. A pesar de esto, el mar sigue siendo poco conocido por la sociedad. Esta formación servirá para presentar al profesorado el estado...
News in El Punt Avui
El pasado 2 de noviembre el diario El Punt Avui publicó la noticia de nuestras actividades con la escuela Carme Auguet de Girona en torno al programa ‘Investiga amb RecerCaixa!’. “La curiositat. Aquesta és la base que ha mogut el progrés científic i tecnològic de la humanitat. Ho va explicar dimarts el...
La escuela Carme Auguet investiga con nosotros
El 28 de octubre de 2014 se celebró en el Caixaforum de Girona un encuentro entre los niños, niñas y maestras de la escuela Carme Auguet y nuestros investigadores del proyecto “Las experiencias de los jóvenes fuera de la escuela relacionadas con la ciencia y la tecnología y su impacto...
Investiga amb RecerCaixa!
La iniciativa “Investiga amb RecerCaixa!” que es durà a terme al curs escolar 2014-2015, té per objectiu fomentar vocacions científiques entre els joves, el treball en equip i l’interès per a la investigació a l’escola, així com donar-los a conèixer alguns dels projectes de recerca en curs a Catalunya, i...
Com combatre la desafecció escolar?
Després dels 10 anys de Debats d’Educació, començarem un nou debat dedicat a la desafecció escolar. Comptarem amb la participació de Valerie Hannon, creadora de l’exitós programa internacional Learning Futures i Learning Frontiers – transformant la participació de l’alumnat i de la comunitat educativa. Un projecte dissenyat des de les...