Purpose and aims

During the last decades, important changes have taken place in the role of learning in our lives. Also in a great deal of factors that affect human learning: where we learn, when and how we do learn, with whom, and –of course- what and for what purpose. All these changes lead us to revise our understanding of the learning processes. Indeed, they present new challenges to the educational systems, built upon an ecology of learning that is instantly left behind by our current reality. BLE –BridgingLearningExperiences-  has the goal of becoming a place of encounter, of information exchange, and shared reflection for researchers, education practitioners, and, more generally, any person interested in understanding learning processes in this new scenario and analyzing their educational consequences.


BLE refers to one of the most outstanding and influential features of this new ecology of learning. Supported by ICT, new niches of learning as well as the reinforcement of traditional contexts of activity and development (family, community, cultural and leisure institutions, job…) have emerged as potential niches of learning. Opportunities, resources and tools for learning are multiplying and diversifying. Learning is no more linked to a single context of activity –traditionally the formal educational institutions. It rather appears as the result of learning experiences that people gather together taking part in all the activity contexts through which we transit.


Hence, learning trajectories –that is, the net of contexts and activities to which we access and where we participate-, the learning experiences that we gain from this participation and the bridges that we build between them… They all become essential elements to understand what we eventually learn and how we construct ourselves as learners.

BLE establishes the following goals:


  • To promote the study of learning processes within this new ecology of learning, contributing to its understanding and explanation, providing an up-dated information of the most promising theoretical and methodological frameworks, and the outstanding results of research in the field.
  • To foster research in the field and reflection about the processes of Learner Identity construction.
  • To identify, analyze and debate about the educational challenges this new ecology of learning presents, and the changes the educational systems should face in order to contribute to the development of competent learners in our current society.

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