How does your body know what time it is? – Marco A. Sotomayor


Being able to sense time helps us do everything from waking and sleeping to knowing precisely when to catch a ball that’s hurtling towards us. And we owe all these abilities to an interconnected system of timekeepers in our brains. But how do they work? Marco A. Sotomayor details how...

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Ocean Literacy MOOC for science teachers


“From ABC to ABSeas: Ocean Literacy for all” is a free and online course organized as part of the Sea Change project. The project, funded by the European Union, aims to change the point of view of the population on the sea. This MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) is aimed at science teachers and...

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23 International Environmental Film Festival


From November 3rd until 10th, the 23rd International Environmental Film Festival, the longest Film Festival in its genre, is taking place at CaixaForum, CosmoCaixa, Cinemas Girona, French Institute of Barcelona and in the following Universities: University of Barcelona, Pompeu Fabra and Blanquerna. More information

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Awesome Oceans


Awesome Oceans is a video made by Edeos, an agency that specializes in the design and production of audiovisual educational materials. This illustrated explainer video shows the fascination of the ocean, but also it biggest threats. More information about Edeos

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Explore is a website that offers live connections with webcams around the world to watch several animals in their natural habitats. The site also includes videos, photographs, open educational channels and all kinds of resources to explore the animal life around the planet. More information  

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El mar a fondo


El mar a fondo es un proyecto creado y desarrollado en colaboración entre el CSIC-Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y la Obra Social “la Caixa” que pretende acercar la temática marina al ámbito educativo mediante diversas propuestas didácticas. A partir de una plataforma virtual se puede acceder a los contenidos educativos y participar activamente en el...

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How a single-celled organism almost wiped out life on Earth – Anusuya Willis


There’s an organism that changed the world. It caused the first mass extinction in Earth’s history … and also paved the way for complex life. How? Anusuya Willis explains how cyanobacteria, simple organisms that don’t even have nuclei or any other organelles, wrote a pivotal chapter in the story of...

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Apps para la tierra


Con motivo de la celebración del Día Internacional de la Tierra, App Store en conjunto con WWF y 24 desarrolladores han ideado el proyecto benéfico Apps para la Tierra. Esta iniciativa cuenta con la intervención de 27 aplicaciones de la App Store que han modificado sus apps o, incluso, creado versiones con contenidos exclusivos para ayudar a...

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10 películas sobre ecología para trabajar en el aula


El blog de educación y TIC, Tiching, nos propone una selección de diez películas que pueden ser muy útiles para reflexionar con los estudiantes sobre la importancia de la conservación y el cuidado del medio ambiente. Lorax: ¿Cómo hablar de medio ambiente con los más pequeños? Esta película de animación...

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How do we know what color dinosaurs were?


The microraptor was a four-winged carnivorous dinosaur with iridescent black feathers. But if our information about this dinosaur comes from fossils, how can we be certain about its color? Len Bloch shows how making sense of the evidence requires careful examination of the fossil and a good understanding of the...

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Animated Science. Episode 2. Shades.


UB divulga releases the project Animated Science which aims to create a collection of audiovisual resources to bring children closer to scientific concepts in an amusing way. The current chapter is titled Shadow and discusses how the position of the sun influences the direction of the shadows. This second episode has had the scientific...

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MEDCLIC: The Mediterranean in one Click

“la Caixa” Foundation, and the ICTS SOCIB set up the program MEDCLIC which has the dual objectives of promoting research and bringing the benefits of the new marine and coastal observation technologies to society. One of the objectives of the “Medclic: the Mediterranean in one click” project is to investigate...

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Upcycling the Oceans Project


Ecoalf Foundation has begun to remove trash from the seabed via fishermen off the coast of Levante (Spain). The project Upcycling the Oceans, organized in three phases, aims to show that cleaning the oceans is possible and the portion of the collected materials can be recycled into pellets, thread, fabric and...

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The Tapir: a living fossil threatened with extinction


Although the Tapir is one of the world’s largest land mammals, the lives of these solitary, nocturnal creatures have remained a mystery. Known as “the living fossil,” the very same Tapir that roams the forests and grasslands of South America today arrived on the evolutionary scene more than 5 million...

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Can we, as adults, grow new neurons?


Neuroscientist Sandrine Thuret says that we can, and she offers research and practical advice on how we can help our brains better perform neurogenesis—improving mood, increasing memory formation and preventing the decline associated with aging along the way.

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Microbial Mats


Rubén Duro Pérez is a graduate in biology from the University of Barcelona, Member of the Spanish Society for Microbiology and is devoted to scientific photography. Ricardo Guerrero is professor emeritus of the Department of Microbiology at the University of Barcelona, associate professor at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst, USA and...

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Learn.Genetics is an interactive website of the Genetic Science Learning Center, University of Utah -USA-. It offers a wide variety of activities on genetics for non-experts. The resources offered in the website can be useful for learning different concepts related to genetics, evolution, health, etc. For example, could be construct...

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Love between dogs and their owners

The veterinarian Takefumi Kikusui with a research team from three Japanese universities (Azabu University, Jichi Medical University and University of Tokyo Health Sciences) recently published an article in Science about hormonal changes that dogs and their owners produce to each other. Researchers put 30 dogs to interact with their owners...

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La Dinosfera de Coll de Nargó


El Ayuntamiento de Coll de Nargó y el Instituto Catalán de Paleontología Miquel Crusafont son los organizadores del nuevo espacio expositivo que se centra en la reproducción de los dinosaurios. La Dinosfera quiere contribuir a dar a conocer el espectacular registro fósil de los yacimientos de dinosaurios de la zona...

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Exposición de dibujos de Luis Feo

El Museu Blau inaugura la exposición temporal Dibujos de Luis Feo, unas sesenta obras que proponen una mirada insólita al mundo animal. El autor propone una mirada inspirada en la ilustración científica y también en los grandes maestros del dibujo, el grabado y la fotografía como Durero, José Hernández, Piranesi, Escher o...

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Fiesta del Voluntariado Ambiental en el Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente

En diciembre de 1972, la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas designó el 5 de junio como Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente para sensibilizar a la opinión pública respecto de la necesidad de preservar y mejorar el medio ambiente. La fecha elegida fue en recuerdo al día en que se inauguró,...

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BioBlitzBcn 2015


BioBlitz es un evento dirigido a toda la ciudadanía interesada en observar y descubrir la naturaleza urbana con el acompañamiento de naturalistas expertos. En un periodo de 24 horas, científicos que estudian grupos específicos de flora y fauna, ayudados por voluntarios, buscarán identificar todos los organismos que se encuentran en un...

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Ciclo de conferencias “Ciencia abierta al barrio”


La Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Barcelona ha organizado el ciclo de divulgación sanitaria Ciencia abierta al barrio. El ciclo consta de tres conferencias que tratarán sobre la malaria, la voz y la curación de los linfomas. Todas las charlas se realizarán en el Aula Magna de la Facultad de...

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Audiovisual Festival on Science, Technology and Innovation


The NOVUM Festival invites at the Diseny Hub Barcelona to enjoy a selection of the best unpublished documentaries on science, technology and innovation on 17th, 18th and 19th April. Free admission with limited capacity as screening room. Location: Plaça de les Glòries Catalanes, 37, 08018 Barcelona Alive Inside  Date: 17th April, 20 h. Original...

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Not only do Chameleons change color to camouflage itself, but also to flirt and fight


The research team of Laboratory of Artificial & Natural Evolution, University of Geneva, led by Michel Milinkovitch, published this year in the Nature Communications Journal their latest findings on the dynamic color change of chameleons. The results of the research, based on the study of Panther Chameleon (Furcifer pardalis), indicate...

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Workshop Gillian Wearing- CaixaForum Girona

What do the members of Gillian Wearing’s family have in common? What does she have inherited from her parents? In what do we resemble our relatives? Observing, deducing and experimenting, the treasure hunt game invites you to find answers to these and other issues. Date: Saturday, May 23th at 18.00h Duration:...

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Institute for Research in Biomedicine -IRB- Open house


El próximo sábado 18 de abril el Institute for Research in Biomedicine -IRB Barcelona abre sus puertas para recibir visitantes de todas las edades que quieran conocer de cerca el mundo de la investigación y a algunos de los científicos que trabajan estudiando enfermedades como el cáncer, la diabetes o el Alzheimer,...

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Scientific Perspectives: 2015 the International Year of Light


The United Nations and Unesco have declared 2015 the International Year of Light and Light-Based Technologies. In proclaiming an International Year focusing on the topic of light science and its applications, the UN has recognized the importance of raising global awareness about how light-based technologies promote sustainable development and provide solutions...

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«Papirobiologia»: dinosaurs, mammals, insects and reptiles made with paper

Dinosaurs, insects, amphibians, mammals, birds, reptiles, plants and fungi all created a small scale with the art of papiroflexia, also known as origami. This is the proposal of “Papirobiologia”, an exhibition of nearly  two hundred works made by members of the Spanish Origami Association (AEP), an organization that brings together mathematicians, biologists,...

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Today is the 206th anniversary of the birth of CharlesDarwin


  "It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change" Charles Darwin, 1809-1882.     Darwin, a naturalist’s voyage around the world On the basis of Charles Darwin’s book “Narrative of the Surveying Voyages of His Majesty’s Surveying...

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Citizen science project to fight Asian tiger mosquitoes


Tiger mosquitoes pose a problem that affects many people. The project takes a task traditionally delegated to technical services and professional scientists and it passes on to the public. Citizen science is based on the idea that common knowledge and participation by a large group can help to solve scientific...

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How can we avoid kelp beds turning into barren grounds?


Urchins are marine invertebrates that mould the biological richness of marine grounds. However, an excessive proliferation of urchins may also have severe ecological consequences on marine grounds as they reduce algal cover and affect the survival of other marine species. To explore global dynamics and the factors that turn kelp...

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Space Place – Nasa


Space Place is a website designed especially for children and is maintained by NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory), the California Institute of Technology and ITEEA (International Technology and Engineering Education Association). Through the page content the visitors can access to activities about various topics related...

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The European Space Agency (ESA) was started in 1975 and is constituted by 20 countries. ESA-kids is a portal created especially for young children in order to know the world of space travel, astronomy and earth sciences. The portal is organized by topics and resources. The topics explain aspects of...

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19th Science Week in CosmoCaixa Barcelona


From 18 to 23 November 2014 Cosmocaixa Barcelona organizes exhibitions and open workshops. Schedule Exhibition “X Science Book Fair”. From 18 to 23 November 2014. An annual meeting with the science book. An event to appreciate the significance of the book of science and its contribution to culture and the formation...

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Science Perspectives: Big scientific questions


Robots, Quantum Physics, Genetic Engineering… Scientific knowledge is making constant progress but there are still many unanswered questions, which will be discussed in the Libraries of Barcelona. On November mondays, Barcelona Libraries propose us to explore some of the biggest questions that science has raised, with the Visions of Science...

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21è Festival Internacional de Cinema del Medi Ambient de Barcelona


CaixaForum acollirà del 6 al 9 de novembre quatre de les pel•lícules del 21è Festival Internacional de Cinema del Medi Ambient de Barcelona, en el marc de l’exposició “Gènesi”, de Sebastião Salgado. Dijous 6 de novembre | 21.00 h Inauguració de la 21è Festival Internacional de Cinema del Medi Ambient...

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Génesis de Sebastião Salgado

  Con su proyecto Génesis, Sebastião Salgado busca los orígenes del mundo y del planeta que habitamos. Un mundo que ha evolucionado durante miles de años antes de verse enfrentado al ritmo de la vida moderna. Esta exposición presenta fotografías de paisajes, animales y personas alejadas del mundo moderno: regiones...

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National Geographic Kids


This is a website specially created by the National Geographic Society with the purpose that children know and respect the fauna and flora of our planet. With abundant multimedia resources is a place for fun learning about animals, nature and science through interesting facts, funny videos, activities, games, photos and...

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NatGeo Education


The NG Education website at offers free geography, science, and social studies resources for K-12 educators and students. These highly engaging, multimedia materials maximize learning in and out of the classroom. The site features wide-ranging instructional content—spanning pre-kindergarten through post-secondary—that brings concepts and real-world events to life for our...

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Enredados: 20 propuestas de aprendizaje cooperativo basadas en la web 2.0


Medina, F. J. y Robles, A. M. (2011). Enredados: 20 propuestas de aprendizaje cooperativo basadas en la web 2.0.  Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, Colección Innovación, 18. Documento elaborado por dos profesores del IES Alpajés de Aranjuez, (Madrid) que obtuvo el Primer Premio en los Premios Nacionales de Innovación...

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L’aigua que no veiem, però sí que usem


L’aigua subterrània constitueix la principal fracció d’aigua dolça disponible al nostre planeta per satisfer les necessitats de proveïment d’una població creixent que, a més, a mesura que augmenten el desenvolupament econòmic i el benestar social, demana una dotació més gran per càpita d’aquest recurs. L’exploració, el control, la modelització i...

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La ciència de l’aigua: “Què fem amb l’aigua quan està bruta?”

In this session, Joan Mata, professor from the Department of Chemical Engineering of Universitat de Barcelona, speaks about the water cycle, particularly the management of waste water. He describes how is it generated and how it can be reduced. The activity is part of the series La ciència de l’aigua...

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Ambientech: science, technology and environment


Ambientech is a non-profit organization whose main objective is to develop and expand training in science and technology with a focus on environmental protection, an understanding that environmental education is a cross field which should be included in all curricula intended for students of all ages. The Ambientech program is...

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The emergent patterns of climate change


An illuminating talk of climate scientist Gavin Schmidt at the TED platform. According to Schmidt, one can not understand climate change in pieces. It’s the whole, or it’s nothing. In this talk, Schmidt explains how he explains how he studies the big picture of climate change with mesmerizing models that illustrate...

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Ediciones iamiqué: libros científicamente divertidos


Ediciones iamiqué es una pequeña empresa argentina manejada por una física y una bióloga empecinadas en demostrar que la ciencia no muerde y puede ser disfrutada por todo el mundo. Ofrecen libros informativos en un formato muy creativo y divertido, que aprovechan el gusto y la curiosidad de los niños...

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Salvadoriana. The Barcelona cabinet of curiosities

Salvadoriana es una exposición de reliquias del patrimonio científico de Barcelona coleccionadas por diversas generaciones de la familia Salvador e incluye elementos del mundo mineral, vegetal y animal. Es una colección nacida de la curiosidad y de la pasión por atesora, pero también de una voluntad de investigación científica con...

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To Space and back


Esta exposición temporal de CosmoCaixa Barcelona, muestra cómo los avances científicos y tecnológicos para la exploración espacial han generado conocimientos y recursos utilizados en beneficio de la sociedad. Muchos de los aparatos utilizados en la medicina y en la vida cotidiana en general fueron desarrollados a partir de tecnologías pensadas...

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09/06/2014 es un portal de radio y televisión educativas por internet impulsado por el Departament d’Ensenyament de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Dispone de más de 5000 materiales audiovisuales elaborados por el propio Departament, Televisió de Catalunya (TV3) y Catalunya Radio, entre otros, organizados por niveles educativos. En particular, ofrece secciones...

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Fishing museum


El Museo de la Pesca quiere contribuir, como elemento de calidad, el desarrollo cultural, económico y social de la comunidad. Trabaja para afianzarse en el propio territorio y ayudar a provocar cambios y reflexiones hacia el patrimonio marítimo y pesquero que favorezcan la sociedad. Los objetivos que la han de...

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La veu dels arbres


Els dissabtes d’11 a 13 hores (durada aproximada de 2 hores) Dates: 26 d’abril, 10, 17, 24 i 31 de maig, 7 de juny. Consultar el calendari per veure’n la disponibilitat. Lloc:  Finca Agustí Pedro i Pons de la UB, Av. Vallvidrera, 25 – 08017 Barcelona (Com arribar-hi). Destinataris: Adreçat...

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Proyecto “ED@D”. Educación Digital con Descartes


El propósito del proyecto es desarrollar materiales educativos digitales interactivos para la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO) en las áreas curriculares de Matemáticas, Ciencias Naturales y Física y Química, que permitan su uso tanto en la enseñanza presencial como en la formación a distancia. Estos materiales se han desarrollado con la...

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