
We have selected a set of links to resources on activities and learning experiences in the context of formal, non-formal and informal education, emphasizing the areas of science and technology.

This databank will be will expand gradually.

We invite interested individuals to access these resources through a search engine that combines the stakeholders, educational levels, subjects, learning spaces and learning processes involved. The tag cloud on the right side of the screen also allows a thematic search.


Students and families
Educational level
Early years
Primary education
Secondary education
Tertiary education
Vocational training
Higher education
All levels
Natural sciences
All subjects
Learning sites
Formal education
Online sites

Learning experiences
Learner identity
Learning narratives
Learning networks
Sense of learning
Learning pathways

Prepara tu Escuela para la Sociedad Digital: Claves para sumarse al cambio


Prepara tu Escuela para la Sociedad Digital: Claves para sumarse al cambio es un informe elaborado por la Fundación Telefónica en 2016 en el que se presenta el trabajo de investigación realizado con diversos centros educativos de España en torno al tema de innovación educativa en la Sociedad Digital. Fundamentalmente,...

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educators researchers early years primary education secondary education tertiary education all subjects Community Formal education Home Media Other Learning experiences Learning narratives Learning networks Read more >>

La educación científica del siglo XXI: Retos y propuestas


por Neus Sanmartí e Iván Marchán Carvajal Los cambios sociales y tecnológicos que hemos vivido en los últimos decenios están obligando a replantear numerosos aspectos de la enseñanza de las ciencias. Se están desarrollando diversos proyectos innovadores que pretenden adaptar la escuela al mundo de hoy. La comunidad educativa defiende...

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educators researchers all levels all subjects Formal education Learning networks Sense of learning Read more >>



Edutopia is the website of a virtual community created and managed by George Lucas Educational Foundation. The aim is offer information, strategies, practices and resources in order to improve learning practices at nursery and primary education. In addition, and thanks to the community members contributions –with their knowledge, strategies and...

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educators researchers students and families early years primary education all subjects Formal education Learning networks Read more >>

LIFE CENTER: Learning in Informal and Formal Environments


LIFE Center –Learning in Informal and Formal Environments– represents a collaboration between the University of Washington in Seattle (lead institution), Stanford University, and SRI International, Inc., in the San Francisco area. The LIFE Center is a multi-institution group of scientists whose purpose is to develop and test principles regarding the social foundations of...

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educators researchers all levels all subjects Learning networks Read more >>

CocoCiència: joves que divulguen ciència


CocoCiència és una associació formada per un grup d’universitaris catalans que té per objectiu apropar la ciència a tothom i impulsar la divulgació científica en català. Al seu lloc web es podem trobar continguts agrupats en diferents disciplines, també disposa de seccions específiques com ara «El científic del mes», «Enigmes»,...

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educators researchers students and families higher education secondary education tertiary education vocational training all subjects Read more >>

Educating Modern Learners -EML


Recognizing that we are in the midst of huge, rapid changes in the worlds of learning, education and schooling, in Educating Modern Learners -EML believe that these changes are not yet well understood by school leaders, education decision and policy makers. Therefore,  EML seeks to contribute to this understanding by pointing...

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educators all levels all subjects