
We have selected a set of links to resources on activities and learning experiences in the context of formal, non-formal and informal education, emphasizing the areas of science and technology.

This databank will be will expand gradually.

We invite interested individuals to access these resources through a search engine that combines the stakeholders, educational levels, subjects, learning spaces and learning processes involved. The tag cloud on the right side of the screen also allows a thematic search.


Students and families
Educational level
Early years
Primary education
Secondary education
Tertiary education
Vocational training
Higher education
All levels
Natural sciences
All subjects
Learning sites
Formal education
Online sites

Learning experiences
Learner identity
Learning narratives
Learning networks
Sense of learning
Learning pathways

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El mar a fondo


El mar a fondo es un proyecto creado y desarrollado en colaboración entre el CSIC-Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y la Obra Social “la Caixa” que pretende acercar la temática marina al ámbito educativo mediante diversas propuestas didácticas. A partir de una plataforma virtual se puede acceder a los contenidos educativos y participar activamente en el...

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educators students and families primary education secondary education biology geology natural sciences Formal education Read more >>

Prepara tu Escuela para la Sociedad Digital: Claves para sumarse al cambio


Prepara tu Escuela para la Sociedad Digital: Claves para sumarse al cambio es un informe elaborado por la Fundación Telefónica en 2016 en el que se presenta el trabajo de investigación realizado con diversos centros educativos de España en torno al tema de innovación educativa en la Sociedad Digital. Fundamentalmente,...

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educators researchers early years primary education secondary education tertiary education all subjects Community Formal education Home Media Other Learning experiences Learning narratives Learning networks Read more >>



Edutopia is the website of a virtual community created and managed by George Lucas Educational Foundation. The aim is offer information, strategies, practices and resources in order to improve learning practices at nursery and primary education. In addition, and thanks to the community members contributions –with their knowledge, strategies and...

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educators researchers students and families early years primary education all subjects Formal education Learning networks Read more >>



Learn.Genetics is an interactive website of the Genetic Science Learning Center, University of Utah -USA-. It offers a wide variety of activities on genetics for non-experts. The resources offered in the website can be useful for learning different concepts related to genetics, evolution, health, etc. For example, could be construct...

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educators students and families primary education secondary education tertiary education biology natural sciences Read more >>

Journal Digital Experiences in Mathematics Education


The aim of this journal is to continue the effort to understand and enhance changes in the nature of worthwhile mathematical work that can be performed by learning, teachers and practitioners with digital technologies. It offers a forum for discussing mathematical thought, and issues of equity, cultural diversity and professional development....

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educators researchers early years primary education secondary education tertiary education mathematics Formal education Read more >>

Las tecnologías móviles en los centros educativos


En la sesión plenaria del 4 de marzo, el Consejo Escolar de Cataluña ha aprobado el Documento 1/2015: Les tecnologies mòbils als centres educatius. En este documento se recogen diversas consideraciones sobre la presencia y el uso de los dispositivos móviles en los centros educativos de Cataluña, el desarrollo de...

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educators researchers early years primary education secondary education tertiary education technology Formal education Read more >>
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