We have started the first phase of the project youth experiences outside of school related to science and technology.
In this first phase, from interviews of focus groups with children and young people from three age groups (11,13 and 15) and groups formed by their parents, we aim to identify the activities in which children and adolescents regularly participate outside the school context. We are especially interested in activities that provide opportunities and resources for learning, the spaces and socio-institutional contexts in which these activities take place (family, sports organizations, cultural, religious …) as well as the learning associated with these experiences.
Two members of the research team have interviewed a group of students from 5th and 6th grade of the school Escola Verd in Girona, as well as a group of mothers of students from the same school. Two other team members have interviewed a group of students from 5th grade at the school la Farga de Salt also in Girona.