

Explore is a website that offers live connections with webcams around the world to watch several animals in their natural habitats. The site also includes videos, photographs, open educational channels and all kinds of resources to explore the animal life around the planet. More information  

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Ideas TED


TED.com TED.com is a platform for watching, sharing, discussing and translating TED Talks — as well as learning more about TED’s many projects and initiatives. In addition, in TED you can find a set of playlists to let you watch curated collections of TED Talks, offering two uninterrupted hours of...

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Tabletop Whale


Tabletop Whale is a science illustration blog created by Eleanor Lutz,  designer in Seattle and a Bachelor in molecular biology from the University of Washington., USA. Tabletop Whale published, every two to three weeks, charts, infographics and illustrations on science and technology based on reputable scientific sources like textbooks and peer-reviewed...

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The European Space Agency (ESA) was started in 1975 and is constituted by 20 countries. ESA-kids is a portal created especially for young children in order to know the world of space travel, astronomy and earth sciences. The portal is organized by topics and resources. The topics explain aspects of...

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ExperCiencia. Experimentando Ciencia

Experciencia es un blog creado por una licenciada en ciencias físicas con la colaboración de  padres y educadores especialistas en ciencia para niños. En este blog se proponen y organizan actividades científicas que permiten desarrollar la creatividad, la imaginación, la curiosidad y el espíritu crítico de los niños, introduciéndolos en el...

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National Geographic Kids


This is a website specially created by the National Geographic Society with the purpose that children know and respect the fauna and flora of our planet. With abundant multimedia resources is a place for fun learning about animals, nature and science through interesting facts, funny videos, activities, games, photos and...

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dedos. Tabletas digitales en el aula


dedos es el blog de difusión del proyecto “Dedos, tabletas digitales en el aula” liderado por el Centro Internacional de Tecnologías Avanzadas -CITA- de la Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez. El blog pretende ser una ventana desde la que otear el futuro de las tabletas digitales en el aula, analizar sus...

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NatGeo Education


The NG Education website at NatGeoEd.org offers free geography, science, and social studies resources for K-12 educators and students. These highly engaging, multimedia materials maximize learning in and out of the classroom. The site features wide-ranging instructional content—spanning pre-kindergarten through post-secondary—that brings concepts and real-world events to life for our...

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Brújula Educativa


Brújula Educativa publica información sobre los proyectos de formación liderados por el Centro Internacional de Tecnologías Avanzadas -CITA-  de la Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez. Los proyectos giran en torno a las tecnologías educativas, están destinados a profesores de cualquier nivel educativo, y tienen por finalidad ayudar a los docentes a...

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The mission of this blog is to create a modern enlightenment that results in healthy communities and truly interdependent citizens. It´s position is that all learning should result in substantive personal and social change. This concept includes, among other ideas, the relationship between culture, communities, and the institutions and curriculum...

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Free technology for teachers


The purpose of this site is to share information about free resources that teachers can use in their classrooms. Intended to help teachers of all grade levels and content areas (including math) gain ideas, tips, and locate other free resources to improve their students’ academic success. This blog has been...

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Blog del INTEF


El blog promocionado por el Instituto Nacional de Tecnologías educativas y formación del profesorado español publica periódicamente noticias sobre novedades en el ámbito de la tecnología de interés para la educación, seminarios y cursos de formación presenciales o en línea para docentes, proyectos educativos, eventos y recursos.  

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Conoce, conecta, crea, comparte, colabora Es una iniciativa del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte español que agrupa el Blog del INTEF (Instituto Nacional de Tecnologías Educativas y de Formación del Profesorado), el Blog del Cniie (Centro Nacional de Innovación e Investigación Educativa) y el Blog del Inee (Instituto Nacional...

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