Workshop “The magic of periodic table of elements”


  In this workshop we will review the elements of periodic table of elements with simple but intriguing and seductive magic tricks, which will be completed on stage with spectacular and quick chemistry experiments. A unique show that, using the historical relationship between magic and science, will mix enjoyment with...

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NatGeo Education


The NG Education website at offers free geography, science, and social studies resources for K-12 educators and students. These highly engaging, multimedia materials maximize learning in and out of the classroom. The site features wide-ranging instructional content—spanning pre-kindergarten through post-secondary—that brings concepts and real-world events to life for our...

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Revista Educación Química en línea


Educación Química is a Journal published by the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (Mexican National Autonomous University). Its purpose is to communicate didactic contributions and researches related to the education of chemistry in general, in order to contribute to the teachers’ upgrading and to spread the innovations in this field...

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L’aigua que no veiem, però sí que usem


L’aigua subterrània constitueix la principal fracció d’aigua dolça disponible al nostre planeta per satisfer les necessitats de proveïment d’una població creixent que, a més, a mesura que augmenten el desenvolupament econòmic i el benestar social, demana una dotació més gran per càpita d’aquest recurs. L’exploració, el control, la modelització i...

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La ciència de l’aigua: “Què fem amb l’aigua quan està bruta?”

In this session, Joan Mata, professor from the Department of Chemical Engineering of Universitat de Barcelona, speaks about the water cycle, particularly the management of waste water. He describes how is it generated and how it can be reduced. The activity is part of the series La ciència de l’aigua...

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Ambientech: science, technology and environment


Ambientech is a non-profit organization whose main objective is to develop and expand training in science and technology with a focus on environmental protection, an understanding that environmental education is a cross field which should be included in all curricula intended for students of all ages. The Ambientech program is...

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Salvadoriana. The Barcelona cabinet of curiosities


Salvadoriana es una exposición de reliquias del patrimonio científico de Barcelona coleccionadas por diversas generaciones de la familia Salvador e incluye elementos del mundo mineral, vegetal y animal. Es una colección nacida de la curiosidad y de la pasión por atesora, pero también de una voluntad de investigación científica con...

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Proyecto “ED@D”. Educación Digital con Descartes


El propósito del proyecto es desarrollar materiales educativos digitales interactivos para la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO) en las áreas curriculares de Matemáticas, Ciencias Naturales y Física y Química, que permitan su uso tanto en la enseñanza presencial como en la formación a distancia. Estos materiales se han desarrollado con la...

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