School learning and education in the XXI Century: Connections between learning experiences inside and outside the school
Over the past few decades, there have been significant changes in the role of learning in peoples’ lives as well as many of the parameters involved in human learning: where, when, how, with whom, what, why and for what we learn. These changes force us to revise our understanding of the learning processes and pose unprecedented challenges to the education systems which were built on an ecology of learning that finds itself further and further from reality.
In the last few years, largely as a result of the development of new mobile technologies and wireless networks, new activity contexts have appeared that offer more opportunities and resources for children and youth to learn. At the same time, the potential of the traditional settings as sources of learning has increased considerably. The everyday and extracurricular activities in which children and adolescents participate, as well as the learning experiences involved, are becoming more numerous and more significant. These activities enable them to further their knowledge and to develop a wide variety of learning competences of a different nature.
This conference was aimed at teachers, researchers and other education professionals, with the purpose providing and promoting a place for the exchange of ideas and joint reflection on the learning processes in this new scenario. A scenario where learning is no longer associated with a single type of activity context – traditionally within the formal education institutions – but a result of the whole set of learning experiences taking place in the various activity contexts through which we circulate.
Lecture Photo gallery
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Learning, school education and construction of identities |
Digital technologies and individual learning pathways |
The learning of science and technology in the digital era |
Scientific committee
César Coll, coordinador Grupo de Investigación sobre Interacción e Influencia Educativa -GRINTIE. Universitat de Barcelona.
Moisés Esteban, coordinador de las sesiones de pósteres. Grupo Cultura y Educación. Universitat de Girona
Manuel de la Mata. Laboratorio de Actividad Humana –LAH. Universidad de Sevilla.
Fernando Hernández. Grupo Esbrina – Subjectivitats, visualitats i entorns educatius contemporanis. Universitat de Barcelona.
Elena Martín. Grupo de estudios sobre el Aprendizaje y el cambio educativo. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
Juan Daniel Ramírez. Grupo de Estudios sobre Cultura y Cognición. Universidad Pablo de Olavide.
José Luis Rodríguez Illera. Grup de Recerca Ensenyament i Aprenentatge Virtual –GREAV. Universitat de Barcelona.
Albert Sangrà. EDUL@B, Grupo de investigación en Educación y TIC. eLearn Center / Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.
Ignasi Vila. Grupo Cultura y Educación. Universitat de Girona.
Organizing committee
Anna Engel, coordinator. University of Barcelona
César Coll. University of Barcelona.
Moisès Esteban-Guitart. University of Girona.
Mariana Largo. University of Barcelona.
Laura Lázaro. University of Girona.
Mariona Llopart. University of Girona.
Antonio Membrive. University of Barcelona.
Iris Merino. University of Barcelona.
Judith Oller. University of Barcelona.
M. José Rochera. University of Barcelona.
Carina Siqués. University of Girona.
Conference partners
Agència de gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR). Departament d’Economia i Coneixement. Generalitat de Catalunya.
RecerCaixa, Obra Social ”la Caixa” & l’Associació Catalana d’Universitats Públiques (ACUP)
Secretaría de Estado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación. Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO).
University of Barcelona. School of Psychology.
University of Girona. School of Education and Psychology
Research Group on Interaction and Educational Influence – GRINTIE. Coordinator: César Coll. University of Barcelona.
Research Group on Culture and Education. Coordinators: Moisès Esteban and Ignasi Vila. University of Girona.
BLE –Bridging Learning Experiences.
Auditorio Meier del Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Barcelona (MACBA)
Plaça dels Àngels, 1
08001 Barcelona
Thursday, 17 November 2016
Friday, 18 November 2016