What is new in the BLE projects? What goes on, and what is happening in the field of BLE’s interest? Conferences, debates, research, proposals, activities, … Have a look and find out more!
FameLab 2016
Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology and the British Council España are launching a new edition of Famelab España 2016, with the collaboration of “la Caixa” Foundation. In Spain, three editions have already been held and have proved to be a complete success. They have promoted a new scientific diffusion format that has made major inroads:...
100 años de la Teoría de la Relatividad General
El 25 de noviembre de 1915, Albert Einstein presentó ante la Academia Prusiana de Ciencias, en Berlín, la formulación de una nueva teoría de la gravitación en un artículo de cuatro páginas titulado “Las ecuaciones del campo gravitacional” en el que modificaba la hasta entonces aceptada teoría gravitatoria de Isaac Newton. La teoría de Einstein...
Jamtoday Fair: el videojuego como metodología educativa para el aprendizaje de hábitos saludables
JamToday es la primera red paneuropea dedicada al diseño de juegos aplicados. El proyecto reúne a diferentes tipos de actores -como clusters creativos, empresas de juegos, educación, institutos de investigación, instituciones del sector público, etc.- para ejecutar las Game Jam por toda Europa. La JamToday Fair es un encuentro sobre...
20ª Semana de la Ciencia en la Universidad de Barcelona
Del 13 al 22 de noviembre la Universidad de Barcelona organiza diversas actividades alrededor de la Semana de la Ciencia que este año llega a su vigésima edición bajo la coordinación de la Fundación Catalana para la Investigación y la Innovación (FCRi). Algunas de las actividades programadas son: 4º Torneo Interuniversitario del juego...
The Tapir: a living fossil threatened with extinction
Although the Tapir is one of the world’s largest land mammals, the lives of these solitary, nocturnal creatures have remained a mystery. Known as “the living fossil,” the very same Tapir that roams the forests and grasslands of South America today arrived on the evolutionary scene more than 5 million...
Expanding Opportunity in a World of Innovation
How can cities, schools, tech leaders, and policy makers drive innovation that is robust, open, and inclusive? In the fourth and final webinar of the October series, Doing Innovation: Empowering Young People for Tomorrow’s World, host S. Craig Watkins talks with experts from academia, business, education, and entrepreneurship about the new...
Kano, a computer designed and constructed by children
Alex Klein is the developer of KANO minicomputer. This computer can be constructed and programmed by seven years old children. As a game of Lego, children can learn to design their own games, watch high-resolution videos, connect to the Internet, fly a drone… As the designer explains, the children will...
Can we, as adults, grow new neurons?
Neuroscientist Sandrine Thuret says that we can, and she offers research and practical advice on how we can help our brains better perform neurogenesis—improving mood, increasing memory formation and preventing the decline associated with aging along the way.
To Scale: The Solar System
Wylie Overstreet and Alex Gorosh are responsible for build the first scale model of the solar system with complete planetary orbits. The site chosen was a huge dry lakebed in Nevada (United States). They placed the Sun at the midpoint of the land and, from there, placed the planets in...
Película “Deep Sky” en Cosmocaixa
La noche estrellada es uno de los paisajes naturales más bellos que podemos contemplar desde la Tierra, y cuanto más negro es el fondo de la noche, más se disfruta. Miles de estrellas salpican el cielo encima de nuestras cabezas, provocando una sensación de infinitud y al mismo tiempo de...