La sección de sociología y educación del Institut d’Estudis Ilerdencs, Fundación pública de la Diputació de Lleida, invita a las IV Jornadas Valores en una Sociedad Cambiante. En esta edición, las jornadas enfatizarán en las “Prácticas de trabajo en red para una educación personalizada“, con el objetivo de que los...
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Las extraescolares a debate: ¿qué y cómo generan oportunidades educativas?
La Fundación Jaume Bofill, en el marco del proyecto ¿Qué funciona en educación?, invita a participar en un espacio de debate sobre el impacto de las extraescolares en los aprendizajes de los niños y jóvenes. En el debate se presentará una compilación de evidencias internacionales elaborado por la investigadora Sheila González...
Prepara tu Escuela para la Sociedad Digital: Claves para sumarse al cambio
Prepara tu Escuela para la Sociedad Digital: Claves para sumarse al cambio es un informe elaborado por la Fundación Telefónica en 2016 en el que se presenta el trabajo de investigación realizado con diversos centros educativos de España en torno al tema de innovación educativa en la Sociedad Digital. Fundamentalmente,...
Paper: “Examining Learning Experiences in and out of School: The Bridging Learning Experiences Project”
On 18th and 19th June 2016 took place in the city of Rethymno, Crete, the International Conference “Cultural Historical, Activity and Sociocultural Research at Times of Contemporary Crisis” organized by the section of South and Central Europe and Middle East of the International Society for Cultural-Historical and Activity Research -ISCAR-...
The use of ICT in the out-of-school activities of children and teenagers
The VIII International Congress of Psychology and Education -CIPE 2016 took place in Alicante the last 15th, 16th and 17th of June 2016, hosted by the Scientific Association of Psychology and Education –ACIPE- and the University of Alicante. The Bridging Learning Experiences research team participated with the paper “The use of...
Youth’s learning trajectories in the information society: a challenge for school
On May 30th, 1st and 2nd June 2016 took place in the city of Eskisehir, Turkey, the XVIII International Congress of AMSE-AMCE-WAER organized by the World Association of Educational Research (AMSE-AMCE-WAER ) and Anadolu University. The research team Bridging Learning Experiences participated in the congress with the presentation “Las trayectorias de aprendizaje de...
Apps para la tierra
Con motivo de la celebración del Día Internacional de la Tierra, App Store en conjunto con WWF y 24 desarrolladores han ideado el proyecto benéfico Apps para la Tierra. Esta iniciativa cuenta con la intervención de 27 aplicaciones de la App Store que han modificado sus apps o, incluso, creado versiones con contenidos exclusivos para ayudar a...
Ideas TED
04/04/2016 is a platform for watching, sharing, discussing and translating TED Talks — as well as learning more about TED’s many projects and initiatives. In addition, in TED you can find a set of playlists to let you watch curated collections of TED Talks, offering two uninterrupted hours of...
UB Science Festival
On 22 May 2015, the University of Barcelona opens its door to citizens to celebrate the UB Science Festival. The main objective of the activity is to bring people closer to the research activity developed at the University in an amusing and innovative way. Throughout the day, UB campuses organise...
World Water Day 2016: Water and Jobs
Why a World Water Day? World Water Day is an international observance and an opportunity to learn more about water related issues, be inspired to tell others and take action to make a difference. World Water Day dates back to the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development where an international...
Animated Science. Episode 2. Shades.
UB divulga releases the project Animated Science which aims to create a collection of audiovisual resources to bring children closer to scientific concepts in an amusing way. The current chapter is titled Shadow and discusses how the position of the sun influences the direction of the shadows. This second episode has had the scientific...
MEDCLIC: The Mediterranean in one Click
“la Caixa” Foundation, and the ICTS SOCIB set up the program MEDCLIC which has the dual objectives of promoting research and bringing the benefits of the new marine and coastal observation technologies to society. One of the objectives of the “Medclic: the Mediterranean in one click” project is to investigate...
Upcycling the Oceans Project
Ecoalf Foundation has begun to remove trash from the seabed via fishermen off the coast of Levante (Spain). The project Upcycling the Oceans, organized in three phases, aims to show that cleaning the oceans is possible and the portion of the collected materials can be recycled into pellets, thread, fabric and...
20ª Semana de la Ciencia en la Universidad de Barcelona
Del 13 al 22 de noviembre la Universidad de Barcelona organiza diversas actividades alrededor de la Semana de la Ciencia que este año llega a su vigésima edición bajo la coordinación de la Fundación Catalana para la Investigación y la Innovación (FCRi). Algunas de las actividades programadas son: 4º Torneo Interuniversitario del juego...
Expanding Opportunity in a World of Innovation
How can cities, schools, tech leaders, and policy makers drive innovation that is robust, open, and inclusive? In the fourth and final webinar of the October series, Doing Innovation: Empowering Young People for Tomorrow’s World, host S. Craig Watkins talks with experts from academia, business, education, and entrepreneurship about the new...
La educación científica del siglo XXI: Retos y propuestas
por Neus Sanmartí e Iván Marchán Carvajal Los cambios sociales y tecnológicos que hemos vivido en los últimos decenios están obligando a replantear numerosos aspectos de la enseñanza de las ciencias. Se están desarrollando diversos proyectos innovadores que pretenden adaptar la escuela al mundo de hoy. La comunidad educativa defiende...
Cities of learning
Cities of learning is a project that presents a new concept of city where the training of young people is in accordance with the requirements of the XXI century. It is organized a network of activities in different places of the city that allow users learn and develop skills and...
Edutopia is the website of a virtual community created and managed by George Lucas Educational Foundation. The aim is offer information, strategies, practices and resources in order to improve learning practices at nursery and primary education. In addition, and thanks to the community members contributions –with their knowledge, strategies and...
LIFE CENTER: Learning in Informal and Formal Environments
LIFE Center –Learning in Informal and Formal Environments– represents a collaboration between the University of Washington in Seattle (lead institution), Stanford University, and SRI International, Inc., in the San Francisco area. The LIFE Center is a multi-institution group of scientists whose purpose is to develop and test principles regarding the social foundations of...
Levadura. Residence program for artist-educators
Levadura is an educational program of residencies for artists-educators was aimed to promote understanding of contemporary art by elementary students. The program focused on introducing creative projects in the elementary classroom where children were the protagonists. The program involved four artists-educators from four countries (Phase A: Chile and Poland, and...
ChangSchoolTalks 2015: Stephen Downes
Stephen Downes, Senior Researcher at the National Research Council of Canada and co-creator of the MOOC (Massive Open Online Course), speaks about personal learning in a networked world at the “ChangSchoolTalks 2015: Digital Learning Reimagined” event hosted at Ryerson University on February 19, 2015. More information:
Learning the Physics of Skateboarding Engages Kids in Science
Skate veteran and educator Bill Robertson, also known as “Dr. Skateboard,” teaches students who might have otherwise fallen through the cracks about speed, velocity, and momentum at the local skate park. His inspiration for choosing skateboarding to teach physics came from his work with middle school students who were not...
KnowledgeWorks is an Ohio-based non-profit social enterprise that works to foster meaningful personalized learning that enables every student to thrive in college, career and civic life. KnowledgeWorks works on the ground with schools and communities through a portfolio of innovative education approaches, helps state and federal leaders establish policy conditions...
Fiesta del Voluntariado Ambiental en el Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente
En diciembre de 1972, la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas designó el 5 de junio como Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente para sensibilizar a la opinión pública respecto de la necesidad de preservar y mejorar el medio ambiente. La fecha elegida fue en recuerdo al día en que se inauguró,...
BioBlitzBcn 2015
BioBlitz es un evento dirigido a toda la ciudadanía interesada en observar y descubrir la naturaleza urbana con el acompañamiento de naturalistas expertos. En un periodo de 24 horas, científicos que estudian grupos específicos de flora y fauna, ayudados por voluntarios, buscarán identificar todos los organismos que se encuentran en un...
The Exploratorium is a museum of science, art, and human perception located in San Francisco, California. They believe that following the curiosity and asking questions can lead to amazing moments of discovery, learning, and awareness and can increase the confidence in the ability to understand how the world works. They...
Cosmobot 2015. Competición de robots inteligentes velocistas y combates de sumo
Cosmobot es la competición robótica más importante del Estado Español. Tiene como objetivo divulgar tres valores importantes: el trabajo en grupo, la investigación práctica y la orientación a resultados. La competición se realiza durante 2 días y a esta asisten los mejores ingenieros, investigadores y especialistas en robótica autónoma dedicados a...
Citilab – Center for social and digital innovation
Citilab is an experimental centre for the active dissemination of technological culture and also is a citizens’ laboratory in which researchers, entrepreneurs, students and companies interact, experiment and collaborate on common projects. In other words, Citilab is a mix between a training center, a research center and an incubator for business and...
Wikimaratón de Ciencia Ciudadana
Una wikimaratón es una actividad donde un grupo de wikipedistas se encuentran físicamente en un lugar para ampliar lo máximo posible un artículo y/o una temática determinada de la enciclopedia. Esta actividad, organizada en el marco del Festival NOVUM, está dirigida a todas las personas que quieran aportar a la...
“The Class” Project
The Class: Social networking and the changing practices of learning among youth is a project part of the Connected Learning Research Network. The project is directed by researcher Sonia Livingstone in collaboration with researcher Julian Sefton-Green from The London School of Economics and Political Science. The project focuses on the social relations of...
MIRACLE: Mixed Reality Interactions across Contexts of Learning is a project linked to the Faculty of Educational Sciences and maintained by the University of Oslo and Research Council of Norway as part of the InterMedia project. The study is directed by Dra. Ingeborg Krange and a transdisciplinary team of researchers. The purpose of MIRACLE...
Knowledge in motion across contexts of learning -KnowMo Project
KnowMo is a project developed by TransAction research group and directed by Dr. Ola Erstad -University of Oslo. The aim of KnowMo is to study the conditions under which learning experiences out-of-school settings can be made relevant for young people learning into the school. The study is based on the recognition that currently many students experience schooling...
Citizen science project to fight Asian tiger mosquitoes
Tiger mosquitoes pose a problem that affects many people. The project takes a task traditionally delegated to technical services and professional scientists and it passes on to the public. Citizen science is based on the idea that common knowledge and participation by a large group can help to solve scientific...
Learner at the Center of a Networked World
The ASPEN Institute Task Force on Learning and the Internet (2014). Learner at the Center of a Networked World. Washington, DC: the ASPEN Institute. Retrieved: This report sets forth a vision that stems from the premise that the learner needs to be at the center of novel approaches and...