Ocean Literacy MOOC for science teachers


“From ABC to ABSeas: Ocean Literacy for all” is a free and online course organized as part of the Sea Change project. The project, funded by the European Union, aims to change the point of view of the population on the sea. This MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) is aimed at science teachers and...

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ChangSchoolTalks 2015: Stephen Downes


Stephen Downes, Senior Researcher at the National Research Council of Canada and co-creator of the MOOC (Massive Open Online Course), speaks about personal learning in a networked world at the “ChangSchoolTalks 2015: Digital Learning Reimagined” event hosted at Ryerson University on February 19, 2015. More information: http://changschooltalks.ryerson.ca/2015/

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XVI Simposio Internacional de Informática Educativa, SIIE 2014


El Simposio Internacional de Informática Educativa (SIIE) ofrece un foro internacional para la presentación y debate de los últimos avances en investigación sobre las tecnologías para el aprendizaje y su aplicación práctica en los procesos educativos. También pretende poner en contacto a investigadores, desarrolladores, representantes institucionales y profesores para compartir...

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