My storybook


My storybook is an online publisher of e-books. It can be very useful for elementary school students, and also for preschool students, to develop their own e-books. My Storybook allows students to engage in literacy in a creative and fun way and provides educators with the ability to tie multiple subjects together through...

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Animoto is a website that allows to create videos and presentations online through images, photos and music. It can be used as an educational resource for students to express their ideas and experiences about their language, culture, family, traditions… The trial version is available for 14 days. More information

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Big Think


Big Think is a repository of videos, articles, resources, expert advice and podcasts on several educational topics that come around the world. Like TED Ed, Big Think lets you create groups of people, educators and institutions to discuss issues or common interests. More information

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TES is dedicated to supporting the world’s teachers. Their mission is to enable great teaching by helping educators to find the tools and technology they need to excel and by supporting them throughout their career and professional development. Through a free platform, educators can create content mixing the use of digital...

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Popplet  is an intuitive tool for the iPad and web to capture and organize your ideas as a mind-map. With Popplet you can also add pictures, videos to your maps. In the classroom and at home, students use Popplet for learning. Used as a mind-map, Popplet helps students think and learn visually. Students can...

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Explore is a website that offers live connections with webcams around the world to watch several animals in their natural habitats. The site also includes videos, photographs, open educational channels and all kinds of resources to explore the animal life around the planet. More information  

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El mar a fondo


El mar a fondo es un proyecto creado y desarrollado en colaboración entre el CSIC-Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y la Obra Social “la Caixa” que pretende acercar la temática marina al ámbito educativo mediante diversas propuestas didácticas. A partir de una plataforma virtual se puede acceder a los contenidos educativos y participar activamente en el...

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EDUforics: anticipando la educación del futuro


Tal como define su equipo directivo “EDUforics es una comunidad web creada para docentes y estudiantes, pero también para familias y personas alejadas de la educación que de una u otra forma participan del presente de la educación y tienen interés en colaborar en la orientación de su futuro”.  El propósito...

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Educación 3.0


Educación 3.0 es un medio de comunicación global que cuenta con una revista en papel de cuatro números anuales, una página web, un newsletter semanal y un perfil propio en las principales redes sociales (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest y YouTube). Este proyecto tiene como finalidad contribuir al cambio metodológico en las...

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Ideas TED

04/04/2016 is a platform for watching, sharing, discussing and translating TED Talks — as well as learning more about TED’s many projects and initiatives. In addition, in TED you can find a set of playlists to let you watch curated collections of TED Talks, offering two uninterrupted hours of...

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MEDCLIC: The Mediterranean in one Click


“la Caixa” Foundation, and the ICTS SOCIB set up the program MEDCLIC which has the dual objectives of promoting research and bringing the benefits of the new marine and coastal observation technologies to society. One of the objectives of the “Medclic: the Mediterranean in one click” project is to investigate...

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Cities of learning


Cities of learning is a project that presents a new concept of city where the training of young people is in accordance with the requirements of the XXI century. It is organized a network of activities in different places of the city that allow users learn and develop skills and...

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LIFE CENTER: Learning in Informal and Formal Environments


LIFE Center –Learning in Informal and Formal Environments– represents a collaboration between the University of Washington in Seattle (lead institution), Stanford University, and SRI International, Inc., in the San Francisco area. The LIFE Center is a multi-institution group of scientists whose purpose is to develop and test principles regarding the social foundations of...

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CocoCiència: joves que divulguen ciència


CocoCiència és una associació formada per un grup d’universitaris catalans que té per objectiu apropar la ciència a tothom i impulsar la divulgació científica en català. Al seu lloc web es podem trobar continguts agrupats en diferents disciplines, també disposa de seccions específiques com ara «El científic del mes», «Enigmes»,...

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Learn.Genetics is an interactive website of the Genetic Science Learning Center, University of Utah -USA-. It offers a wide variety of activities on genetics for non-experts. The resources offered in the website can be useful for learning different concepts related to genetics, evolution, health, etc. For example, could be construct...

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KnowledgeWorks is an Ohio-based non-profit social enterprise that works to foster meaningful personalized learning that enables every student to thrive in college, career and civic life. KnowledgeWorks works on the ground with schools and communities through a portfolio of innovative education approaches, helps state and federal leaders establish policy conditions...

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The goal of Edudemic is to connect teachers, administrators, students, and just about everyone else with the best technology on the planet. A modest goal, to be sure. Started in April 2010 by Jeff Dunn, Edudemic has grown to become one of the leading education technology sites on the web....

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TED Ideas worth spreading


TED is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks (18 minutes or less). TED covers almost all topics — from science to to global issues — in more than 100 languages. It also organizes events like TEDx known in order to share ideas on...

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iTEC – Designing the future classroom


ITEC: designing the future classroom has been an example of a very successful project of integration of ICT in education and training, with the support and funding from the European Commission.  iTEC’s aim is to bring about systemic change, not through radical technological advances, but through progressive adoption of innovative...

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Es un sitio dirigido a los docentes que recopila una amplio abanico de recursos TIC y prácticas educativas mediadas por las TIC, así como noticias y eventos relacionados con la enseñanza, el aprendizaje y las tecnologías digitales. Educ@conTIC pone a la disposición del profesorado las redes sociales más importantes del...

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