Big Think


Big Think is a repository of videos, articles, resources, expert advice and podcasts on several educational topics that come around the world. Like TED Ed, Big Think lets you create groups of people, educators and institutions to discuss issues or common interests. More information

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TES is dedicated to supporting the world’s teachers. Their mission is to enable great teaching by helping educators to find the tools and technology they need to excel and by supporting them throughout their career and professional development. Through a free platform, educators can create content mixing the use of digital...

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Explore is a website that offers live connections with webcams around the world to watch several animals in their natural habitats. The site also includes videos, photographs, open educational channels and all kinds of resources to explore the animal life around the planet. More information  

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EDUforics: anticipando la educación del futuro


Tal como define su equipo directivo “EDUforics es una comunidad web creada para docentes y estudiantes, pero también para familias y personas alejadas de la educación que de una u otra forma participan del presente de la educación y tienen interés en colaborar en la orientación de su futuro”.  El propósito...

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Educaplay is a digital repository where you can find educational activities for all ages and a large number of curricular materials. It allows sharing resources with other people and create groups. There are resources in different languages, including Catalan, Spanish and English. Learn more

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Ideas TED

04/04/2016 is a platform for watching, sharing, discussing and translating TED Talks — as well as learning more about TED’s many projects and initiatives. In addition, in TED you can find a set of playlists to let you watch curated collections of TED Talks, offering two uninterrupted hours of...

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Cities of learning


Cities of learning is a project that presents a new concept of city where the training of young people is in accordance with the requirements of the XXI century. It is organized a network of activities in different places of the city that allow users learn and develop skills and...

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Edutopia is the website of a virtual community created and managed by George Lucas Educational Foundation. The aim is offer information, strategies, practices and resources in order to improve learning practices at nursery and primary education. In addition, and thanks to the community members contributions –with their knowledge, strategies and...

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CocoCiència: joves que divulguen ciència


CocoCiència és una associació formada per un grup d’universitaris catalans que té per objectiu apropar la ciència a tothom i impulsar la divulgació científica en català. Al seu lloc web es podem trobar continguts agrupats en diferents disciplines, també disposa de seccions específiques com ara «El científic del mes», «Enigmes»,...

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Learn.Genetics is an interactive website of the Genetic Science Learning Center, University of Utah -USA-. It offers a wide variety of activities on genetics for non-experts. The resources offered in the website can be useful for learning different concepts related to genetics, evolution, health, etc. For example, could be construct...

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Educating Modern Learners -EML

Recognizing that we are in the midst of huge, rapid changes in the worlds of learning, education and schooling, in Educating Modern Learners -EML believe that these changes are not yet well understood by school leaders, education decision and policy makers. Therefore,  EML seeks to contribute to this understanding by pointing...

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KnowledgeWorks is an Ohio-based non-profit social enterprise that works to foster meaningful personalized learning that enables every student to thrive in college, career and civic life. KnowledgeWorks works on the ground with schools and communities through a portfolio of innovative education approaches, helps state and federal leaders establish policy conditions...

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The Exploratorium is a museum of science, art, and human perception located in San Francisco, California. They believe that following the curiosity and asking questions can lead to amazing moments of discovery, learning, and awareness and can increase the confidence in the ability to understand how the world works. They...

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Comunidad de Educadores para la Cultura Científica – CECC


La Comunidad de Educadores para la Cultura Científica (CECC) es un espacio virtual creado en julio de 2009 desde la Red Iberoamericana de Divulgación y Cultura Científica y reforzado desde 2014 por medio del Insituto Iberoamericano de Enseñanza de la Ciencia y la Matemática IBERCIENCIA. La comunidad está constituida por...

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MIT Open Course Ware


MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) is a web-based publication of virtually all Massachusetts Institute of Technology course content. OCW is open and available to the world and is a permanent MIT activity. Through OCW, educators can improve courses and curricula, making their schools more effective; students find additional resources to help them...

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World Wide Science


World Wide Science is a federation of scientific portals developed by the Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI) of the Department of Energy of the United States. It encompasses 95 databases, approximately, which have open access and open domain belonged to more than 70 countries. From these databases it is...

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Science Kids. Fun science & technology for kids!


Science for Kids és una pàgina que ofereix recursos educatius per a mestres i pares de família amb l’objectiu de fer la ciència divertida i atractiva per als nens, presentant els conceptes de manera que aquests els puguin entendre i gaudir. La pàgina conté molta informació sobre diferents temes i...

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Biblioteca Electrónica de Ciencia y Tecnología

La Biblioteca Electrónica de Ciencia y Tecnología de la República Argentina funciona en el marco de la Subsecretaría de Coordinación Institucional, dependiente de la Secretaría de Articulación Científico Tecnológica del Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva. Fue creada en diciembre de 2002, como resultado del Acuerdo Bilateral con Brasil....

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Scratch is a programming language and an online community where children can program and share interactive media such as stories, games, and animation with people from all over the world. When participating in the Scratch online community, members can explore and experiment in an open learning community with other Scratch...

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Open Education Consortium


The Open Education Consortium is a worldwide community of hundreds of higher education institutions and associated organizations committed to advancing open education and its impact on global education. They seek to instill openness as a feature of education around the world, allowing greatly expanded access to education while providing a...

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Contenedores es un proyecto que pretende superar la tradicional organización de los contenidos educativos por disciplinas escolares. Por eso se ha elegido ese término, habitual en otros ámbitos de la cultura, para describir la manera deliberadamente abierta de organizar los centenares de materiales didácticos que contienen. Contenedores es un gran...

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Biblioteca Escolar Digital (BED)

La Biblioteca Escolar Digital -BED- es una herramienta didáctica para profesores, alumnos, padres, pedagogos e investigadores del mundo de la educación creada por el Centro Internacional de Tecnologías Avanzadas -CITA- de la Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez (Salamanca- España). El propósito de BED es ser una herramienta útil y eficaz para...

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Tiching is a school educational network that aims to be a benchmark in which the education community can find and share resources to learn and teach better. Its objective is  to make accessible to teachers, students and families all educational digital contents available on the Internet and to disseminate them...

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MIT Technology Review


An innovative, digitally oriented global media company whose reach is rapidly expanding. Its mission is to identify important new technologies—deciphering their practical impact and revealing how they will change our lives. Founded at MIT in 1899, MIT Technology Review derives its authority from the world’s foremost technology institution and from...

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TED Ideas worth spreading


TED is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks (18 minutes or less). TED covers almost all topics — from science to to global issues — in more than 100 languages. It also organizes events like TEDx known in order to share ideas on...

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Khan Academy


Khan Academy is a non-profiteducational website created in 2006 by educator Salman Khan to provide “a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere.” Students can make use of our extensive library of content, including interactive challenges, assessments, and videos from any computer with access to the web. The website features thousands...

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Mediterranean Virtual Herbarium

The western Mediterranean Virtual Herbarium is a wide gallery of images of the plants in the western Mediterranean basin. The Virtual Herbarium has been structured in index entries or individual web pages for each vegetable species considered. The most important aim of each entry are the images of the plants;...

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TeacherTube: videos, audios, photos and educational documents

TeacherTube is a video sharing website similar to, and based on, YouTube. It is designed to allow those in the educational industry, particularly teachers, to share educational resources such as video, audio, documents, photos, groups and blogs. The site contains a mixture of classroom teaching resources and others designed to...

Read more es un portal de radio y televisión educativas por internet impulsado por el Departament d’Ensenyament de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Dispone de más de 5000 materiales audiovisuales elaborados por el propio Departament, Televisió de Catalunya (TV3) y Catalunya Radio, entre otros, organizados por niveles educativos. En particular, ofrece secciones...

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Espacio Procomún Educativo


Este espacio es un repositorio de recursos y experiencias educativas abiertas de todos los niveles educativos no universitarios preparados para ser utilizados directamente en el aula o bien para ser modificados y adaptados a diferentes contextos o necesidades. Como elemento destacado, Procomún incorpora un potente buscador con características de la...

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