Paper: “Examining Learning Experiences in and out of School: The Bridging Learning Experiences Project”


On 18th and 19th June 2016 took place in the city of Rethymno, Crete, the International Conference “Cultural Historical, Activity and Sociocultural Research at Times of Contemporary Crisis” organized by the section of South and Central Europe and Middle East of the International Society for Cultural-Historical and Activity Research -ISCAR-...

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Children and youth’s interests towards science and technology


The VIII International Congress of Psychology and Education -CIPE 2016 took place in Alicante the last 15th, 16th and 17th of June 2016, hosted by the Scientific Association of Psychology and Education –ACIPE- and the University of Alicante. The Bridging Learning Experiences research team participated with the paper “Children and youth’s...

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Expanding Opportunity in a World of Innovation


How can cities, schools, tech leaders, and policy makers drive innovation that is robust, open, and inclusive? In the fourth and final webinar of the October series, Doing Innovation: Empowering Young People for Tomorrow’s World, host S. Craig Watkins talks with experts from academia, business, education, and entrepreneurship about the new...

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La educación científica del siglo XXI: Retos y propuestas


por Neus Sanmartí e Iván Marchán Carvajal Los cambios sociales y tecnológicos que hemos vivido en los últimos decenios están obligando a replantear numerosos aspectos de la enseñanza de las ciencias. Se están desarrollando diversos proyectos innovadores que pretenden adaptar la escuela al mundo de hoy. La comunidad educativa defiende...

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John Dewey (1859-1952) and the permanent reinvention of the school


This year marks the 100th anniversary of the book Schools of To-morrow (1915) written by John Dewey and Evelyn Dewey. In this book the authors point out the necessity to reinvent the school under the challenges of society at the moment (early twentieth century). Probably the school is, has been...

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Blood donation and citizen education


  The Banc de Sang i Teixits de Catalunya has conducted the project “Donació de Sang i educació per a la ciutadania” that aims to involve young children and minors in the task of spreading the need to donate blood. Thus, young people learn content related to blood donation and...

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“The Empty Classroom” Film


Under the creative direction of Gael Garcia Bernal, eleven award-winning directors tell the story of the high school dropout crisis in Latin America in an anthology of narrative and documentary film as beautifully diverse and complex as the region. The Empty Classroom is a feature film by GRADUATE XXI, an initiative to end...

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