
 17_kumpulainen_2 Inaugural lecture: Researching and advancing learning that connects
Kriistina Kumpulainen
University of Helsinki, Finland
 18_presentación2 Presentation of the research project BLE –Bridging Learning Experiences
César Coll
Universitat de Barcelona, España
Round Table: The new ecology of learning. Challenges and opportunities

Moderator: César Coll, Universitat de Barcelona 

Kristiina Kampulainen, University of Helsinki
Fernando Hernández, Universitat de Barcelona
Albert Sangrà, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya


 Symposium I: The learning of science and technology in the digital era

Moderator: Moisès Esteban-Guitart, Universitat de Girona 

William Penuel, University of Colorado
Mario Barajas, Universitat de Barcelona
Montserrat Pedreira, Universitat de Vic-Universitat Central de Catalunya

 Symposium II:  Bridging learning experiences inside and outside the school.

Moderator: Anna Engel, Universitat de Barcelona 

Antii Rajala, University of Helsinki
Ramon Grau, Institut Quatre Cantons de Barcelona
Nichole Pinkard, DePaul University

 17_IMG_8874 Closing lecture: Designing and Building Infrastructures to Support Equitable  STEM Learning Across Settings

William Penuel
University of Colorado, EEUU

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